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Invasive Species Act

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Invasive Species Act

Enacted in 2015 and amended in 2022 and 2024, the Invasive Species Act provides a framework for identifying, classifying, and managing invasive species in Ontario. As of the amendment in 2024, 28 species and 3 genera are now prohibited, meaning it is illegal to import, transport, possess, or release these species anywhere in Ontario. Additionally, 15 species and 1 genus are restricted, meaning it is illegal to import or release them anywhere in Ontario and illegal to bring them into a conservation reserve or national park. Under the Act, invasive species are non-native species that can cause harm to the environment, economy, and human health.

As of Jan. 1, 2022, amendments also included new regulations pertaining to pigs, as well as recognizing watercraft as a vector of spread for Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS).


New regulations require users to ‘Clean’ and ‘Drain’ their watercraft and equipment after removing it from the water and transporting it across land. This includes pulling drain plugs and other devices to allow the watercraft to be emptied of water, including draining live wells, as well as removing any animal or plant material from the watercraft or equipment. ‘Watercraft’ includes motorboats, rafts, canoes, and kayaks, while watercraft equipment includes trailers, ropes, fenders, and anchors.

Wild Pigs

Wild pigs (Sus scrofa) have been listed under the Invasive Species Act as a ‘restricted species,’ which means that no one is permitted to allow a pig to be released into the wild in Ontario. It is also prohibited to hunt for, or trap, wild pigs in Ontario unless they have authorization from the Minister or are protecting their property on their land. Additionally, Eurasian wild boar farming will be phased out in Ontario by 2022. After that time, it will be illegal to possess a Eurasian wild boar in Ontario. Learn more on Ontario’s strategy to address the threat of invasive wild pigs.


  • Bighead Carp 
  • Black Carp 
  • Eastern and Western Mosquitofish
  • Grass Carp 
  • Ide
  • Prussian Carp
  • Red Shiner
  • Silver Carp 
  • Snakeheads (all Channa spp.)  
  • Stone Moroko 
  • Tench 
  • Wels Catfish 
  • Zander 
  • Nutria
  • Wild Pig
  • Mountain Pine Beetle
Aquatic Invertebrates
  • Common yabby 
  • Genus Pacifastacus
  • Genus Procambarus
  • Golden mussel 
  • Killer shrimp
  • Marbled crayfish
  • New Zealand mud snail
  • Red swamp crayfish
  • Brazilian waterweed 
  • European water chestnut 
  • Genus Salvinia
  • Hydrilla 
  • Oxygen weed
  • Parrot feather 
  • Water soldier 


  • Black dog-strangling vine 
  • Bohemian knotweed
  • Carolina fanwort 
  • Dog-strangling vine
  • Eurasian water-milfoil
  • European frog-bit 
  • Floating primrose-willow
  • Flowering-rush
  • Genus Azolla
  • Giant knotweed 
  • Himalayan knotweed
  • Japanese knotweed 
  • Phragmites 
  • Tree-of-Heaven
  • Yellow floating heart 
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